HVAC Designing and Drafting, Plumbing Designing and Drafting, Fire Fighting Designing and Drafting, Fully Included
(Included HVAC Designing and Drafting & Plumbing and Fire fighting Designing and drafting.)
Introduction, basics, units, conversions | Scope of HVAC | Future of MEP and HVAC | Applications of HVAC | Standards in HVAC (ASRAE, ISHRAE, DW144, DW142, SMACNA) | Introduction to air conditioning | Types of Airconditioning systems | Feasibility study | HVAC Drawings | Roles & responsibilities of HVAC engineers | Detailed discussion of HVAC design | Introduction to HVAC installation | Introduction to HVAC maintenance | Introduction to HVAC Testing and Commissioning
Definition of Heat | Temperature & Conversions | Tonne of refrigeration (TR) & Btu/hr | Coefficient of performance (COP) | Energy efficiency ratio (EER, ISEER) | Modes of heat transfer | Saturation point concept | Latent heat of Evaporation & Latent heat of fusion | Enthalpy / Total heat | Sensible and latent heat | Vapour compression refrigeration cycle | Types of Refrigerants | Units - Metric and Imperial Units | Conversions
Introduction, uses and applications of psychrometry | Properties of air | Dry and Moist air | Dry bulb temperature (DBT) | Wet bulb temperature (WBT) | Dew point temperature (DPT) | Apparatus Dew point temperature (ADP) | Humidity ratio / Specific humidity | Relative humidity | Specific volume | Psychrometric chart study | Psychometric software | Psychometric analysis | Cooling & Heating calculations using chart | Humidification & Dehumidification | Sensible heat factor | Bypass factor & Contact factor | Allignment circle | Designs using Psychrometric chart | Fresh air handling unit (FAHU) sizing using psychrometric chart
Types of Air conditioning systems | Comfort air conditioning systems | Industrial air conditioning systems | Precision conditioning systems | Direct expansion machines | Split airconditioning machine | Wall mounted split AC | Floor mounted split AC | Ceiling mounted split AC (Cassette) | Ducted split AC | Multi split AC | Inverter AC | Difference between Split and Inverter AC | Inverter AC with Dual compressor | Unitary Systems | Window airconditioning systems | Packaged AC | VRV/VRF Systems | DX AHU / DX FAHU | Chilled beams concept | Radiant cooling concept | Wrist cooling concept | Vortex chiller concept | Peltier cooling concept | District cooling systems | Desert cooler | Air cooled chiller | Water cooled chiller | Cooling tower | Fancoil units (FCU) | Air handling unit (AHU) | Fresh air handling unit (FAHU) | Heat recovery unit (HRU) | Ventilation & Exhaust fans | Ecology unit | Electro static precipitator | Inline ducted exhaust fan | Car parking exhaust fan | Smoke exhaust fan | Stairwell pressurization fan | Lobby pressurization fan | Garbage chute exhaust fan | Kitchen exhaust fan | Air curtain | Constant air volume (CAV) system | Variable air volume (VAV) system | Single zone systems | Multi zone systems
Gathering data | Drawings required for analysis | Ambient and Design conditions | Latitude and Longitude | Building Directions | Land elevation w.r.t sea level | Building sectional/elevation details | Ventilation requirement as per (ASHRAE 62) | Gathering U values | Load from overhead Lights & Task lights | Load from electrical equipments | Load from people | Load from Walls & roof | Load from windows & skylight | Load from Ceiling and floors | Load from Infiltration and Ventilation | Load from Partitions | Cooling load calculation | Heating load calculation | Manual load calculation | Load calculation using E20 sheet | Load calculation using HAP Software | Creating systems and schedules | Generating report | Understanding report | Project: Multistorey abroad BANK building
Classification of duct | Material using for duct construction | Duct construction standards (SMACNA, DW) | Duct gauge & thickness selection | Duct aspect ratio | Acoustic criteria for duct | Velocity limitation for ducting | NC values for Velocity selection | Duct thermal insulation | Duct acoustic insulation | Duct Designing: Equal friction method, Velocity reduction method, Static regain method, Manual method, ASHRAE Chart method, Software method | Duct nomenclature: Supply Air Duct, Return Air Duct, Makeup air duct, Fresh Air Duct, Kitchen exhaust Duct, Smoke exhaust Duct, Toilet exhaust Duct, Stairwell pressurization duct, Generator exhaust duct, Garbage chute duct, Carpark exhaust duct, Lobby pressurization duct | Duct accessories: Volume Control Damper, Variable Air Volume, Butterfly Damper, Motorized Volume Control Damper, Fire damper, Motorized Fire Damper, Motorized smoke Fire Damper, Non-Return Damper, Sound Attenuators, Splitter damper | Project training in duct sizing
Factors affecting machine selection | Selection criteria of All Air conditioning Machines | Specified data | Proposed data | Selecting machine as per ambient temperature | Machine selection using Technical data sheet
Space Air Distribution
Primary air, Room air, Total air | Comfort criteria | Draft Concept | Terminal velocity concept to prevent draft (T50) | Throw, drop, Spread | Noise criteria (NC) values | Permissible delivery velocities | Characteristic length of air terminals | Types of air terminals: Square diffuser, Round diffuser, Grilles, Linear bar grille, Linear slot diffuser, Jet / Nozzle diffuser, Displacement diffuser, Disc valve, Perforated diffuser, Egg crate grille, Fabric diffuser, Louvers, Fresh air louver, Exhaust louvers, Sand trap louvers | Pressure drop in air terminals | Air terminal design & selection | Project training in air terminal selection
Total pressure, static pressure, dynamic pressure | Internal static pressure (ISP) | External static pressure (ESP) calculation using Excel sheet | External static pressure (ESP) calculation using ASHRAE Software | Fan performance | Types of Fan | Acoustic characteristics | Fan power calculation | Fan selection | Project training in ESP Calculation and Fan selection
Toilet exhaust system | Toilet makeup air system | Kitchen exhaust system | Kitchen makeup air system | Car parking exhaust system | Car parking makeup air system | Generator room exhaust system | Commercial kitchen hood design and selection | Ecology unit selection | Building fresh air system | Building makeup air system | Negative and positive pressure regions in buildings | Stairwell pressurization | Smoke exhaust system | Lobby pressurization | Building pressurization | Project training in Ventilation
Introduction to chilled water system | Chilled water pipe materials | ERW and Seamless pipes | Pipe class | Pipe schedule | Chilled water circuits: Constant flow primary only system, Primary secondary system, Variable primary system, Primary secondary tertiary system, Direct return system, Reverse return system | Chilled water pipe sizing method: Friction method, Velocity method, Friction Velocity combined method, Manual method, ASHRAE chart method, Software method | Condensate drain pump selection | Condensate drain pipe sizing (CDP) | Condensate drain pipe slope selection | Drain trap sizing for condensate line | Chilled water Valves and fittings: Valve package for FCU, AHU, FAHU, Chiller, Pumps, Cooling tower, 2 way motorized valve, 3 way motorized valve, Double regulating balancing valve (FO DRV, VO DRV), Pressure independent control valve (PICV), Strainer, Orifice plate, Pressure gauge, differential pressure gauge, test points | Low DeltaT Syndrome | Chiller Surge | Troubleshooting of Chiller, Pumps, Cooling tower | Project training in Chilled water pipe sizing
Types of pumps | Primary, Secondary, Tertiary pump selection | Heat and Cool pump selection | Pump flowrate calculation | Pump head calculation manually and using software | Pump power calculation | Net positive suction head (NPSHr) Calculation | Pump curves | Variable frequency drive (VFD / VSD) | Pump selection using Head Vs Discharge Curve | Project training in Pump Design & selection
Types of cooling towers: Natural, Forced, Induced draft cooling towers | Cooling tower drift eliminators | Cooling tower design and Selection | Cooling tower pump selection | Evaporation, Drift and COC losses of cooling tower | Cooling tower makeup water calculation | Chilled water expansion vessel design and selection | Chilled water buffer tank design and selection | Chilled water chemical flushing | Project training in Cooling tower design & selection | Project training in expansion vessel design & selection | Equalizer line
District cooling system, Heat exchanger selection, Thermal storage calculations | Plate heat exchangers (PHE), design, pump selection | Project: Heat exchanger design and selection
Cleanroom ISO, FEDERAL standards, HEPA/ULPA filters | Filter Selection, design Calculations | Equipments arrangement
Type of air filters used in HVAC air side equipment, MERV rating of filters, HEPA and ULPA filters, Filter selection Insulation: Types of thermal and acoustic insulation materials, Insulation selection, Acoustic insulation design and selection Acoustics: Sound attenuator design and selection Project training
Learning AutoCAD, Introduction to AutoCAD, AutoCAD interface, Coordinates, Angle measurement system, Unit system (SI, IPS), Keyboard shortcuts, Command customization, Draw tools (Line, Polyline, Construction line, Spline, Multiline, Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Arc, Point, Revision Cloud), Modify tools (Copy, Move, Rotate, Offset, Mirror, Scale, Block, Explode, Stretch, Join, Break, Align, Fillet, Chamfer, Trim, Extend, Reverse, Point, Divide, Zoom), Object properties (Line width, Line style, Dimensions, Dimension style), Single line & Multiline text, Layers, Laywalk, Purge, Xref, Etransmit, Audit, Layouts, Page setup manager, Printing & Plotting
Template selection, Setting units, Attaching Xref file, Creating HVAC layers, Inserting HVAC blocks, Allowance calculation as per site and ceiling, Placing HVAC equipment, Placing air terminals, Single line routing of supply ductwork, Single line routing of return ductwork, Making single line to 2D HVAC layout, Creating and inserting duct fittings and accessories, Thermal insulation, Acoustic insulation, Single line routing of chilled water pipework, Making single line to 2D chilled water pipework, Chilled water valves and accessories connection, HVAC ventilation drawings, Drawing legends and notes, HVAC riser diagram, Isometric drawings, Tender drawing preparation, IFC/GFC drawing preparation, Working/Shop drawing preparation, As-built drawing preparation, Coordination, Purging, Binding Xref, Etransmit, Finding optimum sheet size for drawing, Layouts, Page setup manager, Title sheets, Viewports, Setting sheet and scaling, Pen assignments, Drawing submission, Taking printouts
HAP - Heating and cooling load calculation, E20 SHEET - Cooling load calculation, MCQUAY DUCT SIZER - Duct sizing, MCQUAY PIPE SIZER - Chilled water pipe sizing, ASHRAE DUCT FITTINGS DATABASE - ESP calculation, AIRMASTER - Air terminal selection, MS EXCEL - ESP calculation, Pump head calculation, AutoCAD - Drafting
Fire Fighting Designing & Drafting