Electrical Basics, Units, and Standards
  • Introduction to Course and Using Standards: Overview of the course structure and objectives. Introduction to international and regional standards including IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), NEC (National Electrical Code), NBC (National Building Code), and DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority).
  • Duties and Role of an Electrical Design Engineer and Draughtsman: Understanding the responsibilities and tasks of an electrical design engineer. Role and importance of a draughtsman in electrical projects. 
  • Basic Terms and Parameters in Electrical: Definitions and explanations of fundamental electrical terms. Key electrical parameters and their significance. 
  • Electrical Generation, Transmission, and Distribution: Overview of the electrical power generation process. Methods of power transmission and distribution. Key components involved in each stage. 
  • Circuits and Standards: Different types of electrical circuits. Relevant standards and regulations governing electrical circuits. 
  •  Load Current Calculation: Methods for calculating load current. Importance of accurate load current calculation in design.
  • Wiring Concepts: Basics of house wiring. Key components and layout considerations. 
  • Symbols, Abbreviations, and Legends: Standard symbols used in electrical drawings. Common abbreviations and their meanings. Importance of legends in interpreting electrical diagrams.


Lighting System
  • Photometric Terms and Equations: Key photometric terms such as luminous flux, luminous intensity, illuminance, and luminance. Equations used in lighting design calculations.
  • Different Types of Lighting: Overview of various lighting types (e.g., ambient, task, accent). Applications and characteristics of each type.
  • Different Types of Lamps and Luminaires: Types of lamps (incandescent, fluorescent, LED, etc.). Types of luminaires and their applications.
  • Lux Level Calculation: Methods for calculating required lux levels. Standards and guidelines for different spaces.
  • Lighting Design and Simulation Using Relux: Introduction to Relux software. Step-by-step guide to designing and simulating lighting.
  • Inserting CAD Plan to Relux & Exporting Result to AutoCAD: Importing CAD plans into Relux. Exporting simulation results back to AutoCAD for further use.


Power Distribution
  •  DB Sizing: Determining the size of distribution boards (DB). Factors influencing DB sizing.
  •  DB Schedule & Load Balancing: Creating a DB schedule. Techniques for load balancing across circuits.
  •  Study and Selection of Cables: Types of cables, conductors, strands, cores, and insulation. Criteria for selecting appropriate cables.
  •  Voltage Drop Calculation: Methods for calculating voltage drop in circuits. Importance of maintaining voltage levels.
  •  Cable Schedule and Conduit Selection as per Standards: Preparing a comprehensive cable schedule. Selecting conduits based on standards and requirements.
  •  Cable Tray, Raceway, Trunking, Conduits and Routing: Types and applications of cable trays, raceways, trunking, and conduits. Best practices for routing cables.
  •  Circuit Breakers Types and Selection: Overview of different types of circuit breakers. Criteria for selecting appropriate circuit breakers.
  •  Panel Boards Design and Selection: Designing panel boards including MDB (Main Distribution Board), SMDB (Sub-Main Distribution Board), and DB. Selection criteria for panel boards.
  • Transformer Details and Sizing: Key aspects of transformer design. Methods for sizing transformers.
  • Selection of UPS, Inverter, and Generators: Criteria for selecting UPS systems, inverters, and generators. Understanding their roles in power continuity.
  • Battery Bank Sizing: Calculating the required size for battery banks. Key factors influencing battery bank design.
  • Protection of Transformers: Methods and devices used to protect transformers. Importance of transformer protection in electrical systems.
  • Instrument Transformers (CT, PT, NCT): Overview of current transformers (CT), potential transformers (PT), and neutral current transformers (NCT). Applications and selection criteria.
  • Fault Level and Short Circuit Calculations: Methods for calculating fault levels and short circuit currents. Importance in ensuring safety and reliability.
  • Capacitor and Capacitor Bank Sizing: Calculating the size of capacitors and capacitor banks. Role in power factor correction.
  • APFC Panel: Design and selection of Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) panels. Applications and benefits.
  • Busbar, SFU Details and Selection: Understanding busbar design and selection. Overview of Switch Fuse Units (SFU) and their applications.
  • Motors and Design of Motor Control Centre: Basics of motor types and applications. Designing a Motor Control Centre (MCC).
  • Single Line Diagram (SLD) for Different Types of Buildings: Creating and interpreting Single Line Diagrams. Importance of SLDs in electrical design.
  • Earthing: Importance of earthing in electrical systems. Methods and standards for effective earthing.
  • Lightning Protection & Arresters: Designing lightning protection systems. Selection and placement of lightning arresters.


Solar System Concept and Design
  •  Solar Cell: Basics of solar cell technology. Types and characteristics of solar cells.
  •  Off Grid and On Grid Solar System: Differences between off-grid and on-grid solar systems. Applications and design considerations.
  •  Design of Solar Panels & Inverter: Calculating the number of solar panels required. Selecting and sizing inverters.


Other Services in Buildings
  •  Fire Alarm System: Designing and implementing fire alarm systems. Key components and standards.
  •  Emergency Lighting: Design considerations for emergency lighting. Standards and guidelines for placement and maintenance.
  •  Close Circuit Television (CCTV): Types of CCTV cameras and their applications. Designing a CCTV system and circuiting.
  •  Public Addressing System (Speakers Selection): Designing public addressing systems. Selecting appropriate speakers for different environments.
  •  Telephone and Data Systems: Designing telephone and data network systems. Key components and layout considerations.


  •  Electrical Drawings (AutoCAD, Revit): Creating and interpreting electrical drawings. Using AutoCAD and Revit for drafting electrical layouts.
  •  Lighting Layout: Designing and drafting lighting layouts.
  •  Small Power and Data Layout: Creating layouts for small power and data systems.
  •  Fire Alarm Layout: Drafting fire alarm system layouts.
  •  Emergency Lighting Layout: Designing and drafting emergency lighting layouts.
  •  Training Project (On Job): Applying learned skills to real-world projects. Practical training and hands-on experience.


Softwares & Tools
  •  RELUX/DIALux - Lighting Design and Simulation
  •  MS Excel - Tray Selection, Solar System, Load Distribution Schedule
  •  AutoCAD - Drafting
  •  ETAP - SLD Creation, Voltage Drop Calculation, and Short Circuit Analysis